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Quand et comment consommer sa whey ?

Lorsque l’on achète pour la première fois une whey, tout est un peu flou, on ne se sait pas vraiment quelle quantité consommer et à quel moment de la journée.  
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Collective idea: only bodybuilders, powerlifters and other names in "ers" can ingest protein powder! No, you don't have to lift dozens of pounds of cast iron to enjoy its benefits. Every person needs a daily dose of protein, and protein is found throughout our bodies: in muscles, bones, skin, hair and just about everywhere else. Proteins are used to create enzymes that fuel all sorts of chemical reactions in the body, but also to create the hemoglobin that carries oxygen in the blood. No less than 10,000 different proteins ensure the proper functioning of our body! 

How much? 

 Selon l’objectif sportif on adaptera la dose journalière de protéine. Pour les personnes désirant effectuer une perte de poids, on augmentera le grammage par 2g de protéines par kg de poids corporel. Le but étant de conserver sa masse musculaire et d’éviter un maximum de cataboliser (perdre du muscle). Les sportifs ayant pour objectif de se maintenir tout en construisant du muscle devront ingérer 1,6g de protéines par kg de poids corporel. Enfin, les compétiteurs devront consommer maximum 3g de protéines par kg de poids corporel. Au-delà, des maux d’estomac, ballonnements et autres problèmes cutanés feront surface.
Il est également essentiel d’augmenter sa consommation d’eau lorsqu’on augmente les apports en protéines, car les reins doivent travailler plus dur pour dégrader les protéines afin que le corps les réutilise.

Où trouver des protéines de qualité ? 

You don't have to eat meat to get the right amount of protein. There are many plant sources of protein, some of which are complete, meaning they contain all 9 essential amino acids. Examples include tofu, quinoa, seitan and hemp. By eating a varied diet that includes a variety of plant-based protein sources, you'll get a complete intake. And you don't have to eat all of these proteins at the same meal, since the body stores and uses amino acids when it needs them.
It is true that it can be difficult to ingest protein throughout the day. The chicken fillet between classes or between two office meetings is not practical! The solution: protein powder!  Simply pour the powder into a shaker and add water at the last minute to replenish your protein intake. 


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A quel moment intégrer la protéine en poudre dans tes objectifs sportifs ?

Depending on your lifestyle, the intake of whey can be adapted. Early morning eaters or those who don't have time to prepare a breakfast can make a protein shaker (mixed with powdered oats, fruit, super supplements ...) as a source of energy for the day. Others will take their Whey after a workout, just to give their muscles the recovery they need. To help replenish muscle reserves, it is interesting to consume a portion of protein within an hour after a workout. 

Also, the different types of whey can be taken at different times of the day.
A concentrated whey or isolate is preferred after a workout for a quick recovery. A hydrolyzed whey will be appreciated in the morning for its very fast absorption and high protein content. A casein should be consumed before bedtime, for example, to take advantage of its slow absorption throughout the night. 
These tips are examples to be adapted to each sports profile of course! 

Afin de commencer sa prise de whey, il est intéressant d’ingérer une petite quantité et d’observer si l’on rencontre quelques soucis de digestion. Il faudra alors changer de type de protéine (isolate, hydrolysée) ou bien privilégier une whey vegan.
Si tout se passe bien, la dose pourra être progressivement augmentée dans les jours qui suivent.
Les bénéfices seront rapidement constatés si l’entraînement est régulier et le mode de vie sain ! 


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